
Friday, 31 October 2014

Time for a little effect

It is that time of year again... time for me to start panicking due to lack of time and planning again on the run up to christmas.  I do this every year though.  Deep breath...

The first items I am going to be working on are items for painting.

These plates are a little too shiny and new looking for the tower so they are going to have a dark wash to rust and dirty them up a little.

I also found these mini paper plates out.  I am not sure what I am going to use these for yet but I have a lot of them so lots to use for practice.  

I have lots of paperwork in the folders with lots and lots of mini ideas so I have lots to look through and that is without lots of research on the internet for inspiration.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Kitchen stops play

Hi everyone,

No pictures to post at the moment I am afraid.  We had a slow leak in a pipe that ended up resulting in our kitchen ceiling coming down.  This has led to no minis or crafts for longer than I would like.

The good news is that the workmen have been in this week and things seem to be going quite well.  We have newly plastered walls and ceiling and even some tiles. Yay!! :)

While the work has been ongoing, we have had to have all sorts of kitchen things in the living room, including the fridge and freezer.  We have also been living off takeaways.  As you can imagine, I am really looking forward to getting my kitchen and house back to normal.

I am off now to nose and catch up on everyones blogs for a while before back to the chaos :)